Adriano Galante // estiu_21

Adriano Galante // estiu_21



Free fall!


Adriano Galante is the singer, founder and musician of the sound action, performance and free song collective, Seward. With more than 10 years active, Seward are known to understand music as a tool to explore its limits, from the way of making and playing songs to the way of being on stage, recording, editing or distributing albums; as well as opening the group to other disciplines, collaborating with artists such as Jordi Oriol, Adriana Vila or Javier Gallego Crudo.

Since 2005, Galante has found his place at the intersection between collective creation, interdisciplinary interpretation, critical thinking, community management and artistic curation, promoting and taking part in various spaces, cultural events and theater, dance, performance and music companies, like Konvent Puntzero, No Callarem, b1n0 or Artists At Risk.

At present, Adriano is working on the creation of the new show Demoledora, sharing the stage with David Climent (, preparing his first album in Spanish with the violinist Sara Fontán, and continuing to expand his unpublished collection of poetic essays, Preposicionarse, which he began writing in 2006 and will be published for the first time in 2021/22.

Original image by Pablo Leoni