LAS PRÁCTICAS // gener_22

LAS PRÁCTICAS // gener_22

_prácticas_ regular artistic research laboratories in public spaces

In the _practice_ within the framework of Resonance we invite the participants to play, investigate the possibilities of dialogue with the public space with the text and the body in motion. What is the space I inhabit like, what thoughts does its specificity generate in me or perhaps what phrases do I take with me? How to turn space into word? How did these “street” words inhabit from my body? What happens if I return this body vocabulary to its original context on the street?

This session will take place the 28th at 5 p.m.

WHAT ARE _prácticas_ ?

The _prácticas_ are a series of regular interdisciplinary research laboratories in public spaces, taught by the collective LAS PRÁCTICAS. The objective of these laboratories is to invite participants to find new artistic strategies for research, creation and intervention in public space through observation, experimentation, play, study, practice, reflection and interdisciplinary creation. The _practices_ are not classes, nor are they intended to be a creative process in order to have a final product, they are laboratories that intend to renew existing learning, creation and exhibition formats, offering unique creative experiences to their participants. If you want to know more about the _practices_ of THE PRACTICES, you can find all the information here

Kata Balogh (HU)

Kata is a multidisciplinary creator who has the body as the main tool at the center of her work and who at the same time dedicates herself to cultural management, graphic design, photography and video. She is passionate about life on the street, observing the small details of the urban world and capturing, transforming, resignifying the everyday. Since 2020 she researches, creates and produces projects in, with and for the public space, in 2021 she premieres her first street piece: W @ zap # ..?, Resident project in the CC. Barceloneta, CC Teixonera and nunArt Guinardó. @katatatitatita

Lucia Carrano (IT)

Lucia Carrano is an Italian dancer, performer and creator living in Barcelona. She is passionate about the natural expressive capacity of the human being and she works so that it can emerge both as an educator / teacher and in her artistic-performative work. She cultivates a particular interest in understanding the details that make artistic expression unique. In her creation "Panni", she expresses her interest in the use of unconventional spaces as fertile territories in which the imagination dialogues with the material. In her pedagogical work appears the desire to integrate in the corporal practice of movement, the observation and the word as fundamental moments of the learning. She grew up in a family of musicians, she lived dance in her childhood as a bodily experience deeply linked to sound. Music is part of her life, she sings, plays drums and she is a music educator in early childhood. She is the co-creator of the collective Las Practicas whose specific objective is to redefine artistic research practices in public spaces. @lulu_cilu